By clicking on “Accept” you acknowledge that you have read complete terms and conditions, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer Statement of ‘Fitter & Healthier You’. Furthermore, by clicking “Accept” you acknowledge, agree, and confirm that the services obtained are through your own volition, in respect of which no responsibility whatsoever shall vest upon Fitter & Healthier You, including but not limited to its staff, agent, and employee. In addition to the above you agree and acknowledge the following terms:

1.     By entering this website or purchasing our programs/ services, You confirm to be an adult as recognized by law (18+) and are in agreement towards all parts of this disclaimer and are accepting the same of your own free will and volition. In the event, You do not agree to the disclaimer below and/or the terms and conditions provided on Fitter & Healthier You concerning the offered services, You are encouraged to STOP now and not proceed any further, and refrain from using our website, programs, services, or products and click on ‘Decline’ which will result in immediate restriction towards access of our website.

2.     You agree, confirm and acknowledge to have consulted your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any nutrition or exercise program offered by Fitter & Healthier You. It is imperative to note that You should be in a healthy physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise routines constructed by Fitter & Healthier You, in respect of which You confirm and acknowledge that all copyright and ownership vests with Fitter & Healthier You alone which shall not be copied and/or reproduced by You in a competitive venture.

3.     Fitter & Healthier You trainers are not licensed medical care providers and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. Hence, all services including but not limited to nutrition care and exercise routines are adopted by You after proper and due consultation with Your doctor and healthcare provider.

4.     You acknowledge, agree, confirm and understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in any exercise or exercise programs offered by Fitter & Healthier You, you agree that you do so at your own risk and are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume and accept all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Fitter & Healthier You from any and all claims or causes of action available whether in law and/or equity.

5.     You acknowledge that exercise is not without its risks and may result in injury, for which all liability shall vest upon You entirely. You agree and confirm that if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you shall stop immediately and consult a medical professional for your own safety prior to proceeding with any program and/or service offered by Fitter & Healthier You.

6.     Fitter & Healthier You make no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience, and you accept the risk that results will differ for each individual.

7.     The testimonials and examples provided are exceptional results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

8.     You acknowledge that your results may vary depending on the health-related program/service obtained from Fitter & Healthier You, which is depending on various factors including but not limited to individual capacity, unique health and genetic profile, medical conditions (if any), and duration with the level of commitment.

9.     All plans are prepared on the basis of the information provided by you. Hence, You agree, confirm and acknowledge that You are responsible for the accuracy of any information that You provide to us, and are responsible for informing Fitter & Healthier You of any health issues or medical conditions, prior to the preparation of any work-out formulated for You.

10. You hereby agree, confirm and acknowledge that you are an Adult of both physically and mentally sound mind and character and currently have no physical conditions that would be aggravated by your involvement in any exercise program, nutrition plan, or exercise training session offered by Fitter & Healthier You. You further agree and acknowledge that You have obtained permission and clearance from a licensed physician confirming that you are able to undertake exercise routines, nutrition plans, and undertake performance training programs.